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6600xt hiveOS, no driver support?

Also running on the beta OS image. Not worried about bios or OC yet but they are running!!


You can overclock the memory to 1075 to give a lil bit more mhs

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My findings on the RX 6600 XT Mining Profitability on Ethereum (ETH), ERGO Coin, ETC and Ravencoin.

thanks… i was able to get 1-2 more mh/s

update: 0.6-208@210817 implements native 6600xt support, can someone confirm this ? :slight_smile:

I can get it to 30.62 mh, memory clock can be set to 1075. Core clock can be set to anything less than 3150, but core clock changes little in MH

My best overclock for this gpu
Core 1350
VDD 680
MVDD 1220
Memory 1075

30.8mhs for 45w
6600xt powercolor



I’m using hive version 0.6-207@210812, i got my 6600xt yesterday and it worked out of the box

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got 2 x powercolor red devil with samsung memory.
used the same oc like you, i’m getting 30,38 mh’s.
needed to put in 1-8pin + 1-6pin.

im on 43w

the efficiency is amazing…used some rx580’s some weeks before…now it’s just half the watt’s for about the same hash power…

some little more overclock would be amazing for more mh/s :slight_smile:

Will this only work in the beta right now?

My best oc on 6600 xt

someone tried latest phoenixminer…?

latest hiveos changelog says:
PhoenixMiner v5.8b (implemented optimized kernels for AMD RX6600XT cards…

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