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Best pool and miner for ETH?

you compare dedicated machines with several cloud dedicated together.
We came to your pool, we were all with more than 1% of shares even of so-called professional connections.
The AWS networks are not made for that, they are also well known to be the trash of the internet.
Binance and you have the same results regardless of the internet provider. Many stale for nothing …
It’s just a shame.

Moreover, speaking of “best pool”, many are now in a scandal with M.E.V and now EDEN.

I’ll let you go find it yourself on reddit. When I say that the pools are not transparent I am not mistaken.

They have won millions on our backs, since the “ETH London” update they get stuck charging us the fees or keeping them on their wallet.

Bro can u plz send screenshot for your RX 580 so that I could replicate for myself? My Rx 580 does not go above 26MH (

Mine is RX 570 but still you can use the settings

Fan is set to 55% constantly but you can use also autofan.
Core clock 1168
Core Voltage 860
Memory controller voltage is 800 ( its not showing here )
Memory Clock 2100,
Aggressive undervolting switched ON
amdmemtweak --Ref 30
Dont insert any other values in the other fields, leave them empty.
Test and let me know what happens.

I applied presets that you suggested - it dropped even more below and shows 24.8MH now (

Dude… this is how RX580s should run… this is my benchmark rig for AMD cards when configuring and testing…

Hello everyone.
Man kryptoshi4ever … how did you get that performance?
That means you can always improve.
You can post your settings.
