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OC settings for AMD RX580

amanha te passo

Thank you, I’m from Brazil hug

Give me your email and I will send you the bios!

I think that the 1660 Super is the higher that you can get.
For the RX580 try the configuration I am using that I posted a pic before.

dmr tamo junto parceiro, não consegui extrair a bios ontem mas hj acho que consigo blz

[email protected]

I really need this bios, can you help me?

Hi, I have XFX 580 8G OC+ 1386 I search a bios to go to 30/31 Mh/s. I’m 27Mh/s
I not found

eu te mandei no email, só não entendi o que vc perguntou la

Your overclock settings look great. What base driver (version of BIOS) are you using?

What BIOS did you start with on your MSI board?

What BIOS are you using on your RX 580?

Hi, i tried to mod bios with PBE, but i couldnt because its said it dont support the model of the Hynix memory of my cards. I have 6 RX 580 Gigabyte.

Can someone help me to mod the bios? Thanks.

trying to find good balance with hash / Wattage

Hello, can anyone send me bios for ASROCK RX580 8GB OC

? I’ve got three of them, but hash rate is about 26 MHs and consumption is 92w! Help pls.


Hola tengo el mismo problema con 4 RX 580 con memorias Samsung, podrias pasar esa BIOS, muchas gracias. [email protected]

hi my friend

Those all look great.

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What miner do you use ?