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Can anyone get SGminer working on Hiveos?

I am wondering if anyone can get SGminer to work on AMD RX580 on neoscrypt, yescrypt, lyra2v2, lyra2rev2. in fact I can only get it working on lyra2z.

I actually only mine on eth with the AMD because of this trouble.
I have spent weeks trying different forks and configs but usually just get the gpu boxes up with the fan % and no hash.

would love to sort this out.
any help ?

I tested this few weeks ago for lyra2rev2 and it was working fine… I remember using gm fork, and this is the list of extra arguments:
“rawintensity” : “5120”
“worksize” : “256”
“lookup-gap” : “2”
“thread-concurrency” : “8192”
“shaders” : “0”
“gpu-threads” : “2”
“temp-target”: “60”
“temp-overheat”: “72”
“temp-cutoff”: “80”
“auto-fan”: “true”
“gpu-fan”: “40-80”

Surely, you can’t expect any profits mining lyra2rev2 now with all those Dayuns out there…