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Can someone help me with this DELL 3070? seems really bad?

You can try to change it. Refer to my over

clocking setting~62.33MH/S …Keep the set parameters for 3 to 5 days, the temperature must be below 50 degrees.

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61.94 for now…gonna check by tomorrow morning see if any red numbers pop up

Try with core clock on 1070 (maybe ±15), keep the power limit on 135Watt. This should be the sweet spot for a 3070. And check what the power consumption is of your card, probably below the 135Watt. Card will only use what it needs. less power=less heat

Lock around
61.62MH for 3060Ti @2600Ram and 135PL
61.94MH for 3070 @2600Ram and 135PL

51 / 447 invalid shares were I got for last night :frowning:


For now … Change to T-rex, pretty stable and fast Ave E: 504 KH/W

I use T-Rex and someone suggested using the Extra config arguments:

“worker”: “%WORKER_NAME%”
“gpu-init-mode”: 1
“dag-build-mode”: 2
“api-bind-telnet”: 0
“cpu-priority”: 3
“gpu-report-interval”: 20

Also letting the DAG build before OC’s are applied (my wait time is set to 180 seconds but I have 6 cards) You can try setting it for 45-60 seconds and increase it as you get more cards

List of Extra config arguments:

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