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Cannot start to mine Vertcoin

Hi all.

I am trying to start the VTC mining, however after it says it creates the large file I am running into problems

I have tried changing the miner settings, different pools, create a large file in RAM and SSD, nothing seems to help.

Setting for miner:

What is the solution for that? Maybe I am missing something?

5x RX580, 4GB.


i think the problem is with the flight sheet settings. You can’t set a pool directly in flight sheet. You need to do it in Miner configurations.

Set pool to configure in miner. Then in Miner config add your wallet and pool address like on the screenshots i atached.

Thanks, it helped!

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I’m glad it did. Hope you a good mining :wink:

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Hi would you please be able to upload those screenshots again, for some reason I can’t access. Im also having troubles getting verthashminer to start with miningpoolhub.

Hi @DarkR , would yo mind re-uploading both images please?

Hi @manlu, I was wondering if you can share a screenshot of the Miner Config in your flight sheet? The image that was uploaded is not accessible anymore. Thank you very much!


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