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Claymore Dual 11.6, 11.7 not working, 11.5 working fain

When I change Claymore version in Wallet to 11.6 or 11.7 than minig not working. Setting not changes, only version. Why not work? I have rig with 8x RX570 and motherboard B250 chipset. Please help.

HiveOS version ?

Version: 0.5-51

Nvidia 1060x3
Claymore Dual 11.6, 11.7 not working, 11.5 working
Version: 0.5-52

on Version: 0.5-51 its work, but after update it is dont work.
Как поставил 0.5-51 IMAGE RELEASE 2018-05-15 то клеймор 11.7 работал, после того как обновился 0.5-52 работать перестал. Работает только 11.5.
Откат командой apt-get install -y —allow-downgrades hive=0.5-51 НЕ ПОМОГ.
Посоветуйте что сделать. Пока компаю клеймором 11.5.
Переставить возможность нет сейчас.

Probably unrelated, but this kind of “hang” of the miner happened to me when I put by mistake an unrealistic value to core voltage to one of the cards (put 85 instead of 850)

ty, but i try turn off all tuning ang nothing. (i have nvidia cards. (no core voltage there))