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Reporting ~29 hrs of testing between PhoenixMiner 3.5c and Claymore 11.9

PhoenixMiner had a 46 accepted share margin over Claymore

  • Both running on Hiveon ETH pool
  • Each has 2 x RX570s 8Gb & 2 x RX580s 8Gb
  • Each miner set to autotune
  • HiveOS autofan control

=== /hive/custom/phoenixminer/config.txt =================================================

-logfile /var/log/miner/phoenixminer/lastrun_noappend.log

-mport 3335
-gpus 5678

=== /hive/claymore/latest/config.txt =================================================

#Management port, readonly
-mport -3333

#run on GPU hangs
-r 1

#Log to the same file
-logfile /var/log/miner/claymore/lastrun_noappend.log

-allpools 1

#Only Ethereum
-mode 1

-ftime 10
-di 0123
-tt 1


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вышел PhoenixMiner 3.5d
кто пробовал карты амд запустились ли на новом образе с новыми дровами и ядром ?
или ничего не изменилось 57 образ рулит ?

Обновил. Я бы не рассчитывал, что до 3.6 что-то глобальное поменяется.

agreed – they are planning for 3.6 to have full hardware control.

In the custom setting, the nanopool worker has not been displayed (waited for more than 6HR), where is the setting wrong?
(teleconsole sees Accepted shares are fine)

any idea what this is and how I can fix it? :

custom phoenixminer exited, waiting to cooldown a bit Phoenix Miner 3.5d Linux/gcc - Release build -------------------------------------------- FATAL ERROR: Debugger detected

Try to add
, PSW: x
to pool defenition, like in my example at topic start.

was there all along, took it out, restarted, put it back in, still same error :frowning_face:

What Hive image are you using? What cards?
Try to flash hive-0.5-57 from previos versions

Do you like HIVEon better than ethermine? I wish they had US servers for Ethereum classic.

Hiveon is PPS pool with no fee. Of course I like it more than any others :smiley:

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Used to love Pheonix miner under windows, so was excited to see it was now allowed under HiveOS.

But try a I might, I jut cannot seem to get any hashrate out of the Miner.

it seems to be connecting to ok and collecting jobs, but I’m getting Zero hashrate on every card.
Any Ideas?

Example Screen Output, for info

Phoenix Miner 3.5d Linux/gcc - Release build                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              
No OpenCL platforms found                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 
Available GPUs for mining:
GPU1: GeForce GTX 1080 Ti (pcie 1), CUDA cap. 6.1, 11 GB VRAM, 28 CUs
GPU2: GeForce GTX 1080 Ti (pcie 2), CUDA cap. 6.1, 11 GB VRAM, 28 CUs
GPU3: GeForce GTX 1080 Ti (pcie 3), CUDA cap. 6.1, 11 GB VRAM, 28 CUs
GPU4: GeForce GTX 1080 Ti (pcie 4), CUDA cap. 6.1, 11 GB VRAM, 28 CUs
GPU5: GeForce GTX 1080 Ti (pcie 5), CUDA cap. 6.1, 11 GB VRAM, 28 CUs
GPU6: GeForce GTX 1080 Ti (pcie 6), CUDA cap. 6.1, 11 GB VRAM, 28 CUs
Eth: the pool list contains 1 pool
Eth: primary pool:
Starting GPU mining                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       
Eth: Connecting to ethash pool (proto: EthProxy)
Eth: Connected to ethash pool (
Eth: New job #d20c1c4c from; diff: 4000MH                                                                                                                                                                                                                      
GPU1: Starting up... (0)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  
GPU2: Starting up... (0)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  
GPU3: Starting up... (0)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  
Eth: Generating light cache for epoch #220                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                
GPU4: Starting up... (0)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  
GPU5: Starting up... (0)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  
GPU6: Starting up... (0)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  
Unable to start CDM server at port 3335: Address already in use (98)
GPU1: 48C 0%, GPU2: 43C 0%, GPU3: 44C 0%, GPU4: 46C 0%, GPU5: 46C 0%, GPU6: 48C 0%
Eth: New job #fc003c1d from; diff: 4000MH                                                                                                                                                                                                                      
Eth speed: 0.000 MH/s, shares: 0/0/0, time: 0:00
GPUs: 1: 0.000 MH/s (0) 2: 0.000 MH/s (0) 3: 0.000 MH/s (0) 4: 0.000 MH/s (0) 5: 0.000 MH/s (0) 6: 0.000 MH/s (0)
Eth speed: 0.000 MH/s, shares: 0/0/0, time: 0:00
GPUs: 1: 0.000 MH/s (0) 2: 0.000 MH/s (0) 3: 0.000 MH/s (0) 4: 0.000 MH/s (0) 5: 0.000 MH/s (0) 6: 0.000 MH/s (0)
Eth: New job #ccf96533 from; diff: 4000MH                                                                                                                                                                                                                      
Eth: New job #0a133fed from; diff: 4000MH                                                                                                                                                                                                                      
Eth speed: 0.000 MH/s, shares: 0/0/0, time: 0:00
GPUs: 1: 0.000 MH/s (0) 2: 0.000 MH/s (0) 3: 0.000 MH/s (0) 4: 0.000 MH/s (0) 5: 0.000 MH/s (0) 6: 0.000 MH/s (0)
Eth speed: 0.000 MH/s, shares: 0/0/0, time: 0:00
GPUs: 1: 0.000 MH/s (0) 2: 0.000 MH/s (0) 3: 0.000 MH/s (0) 4: 0.000 MH/s (0) 5: 0.000 MH/s (0) 6: 0.000 MH/s (0)
Eth speed: 0.000 MH/s, shares: 0/0/0, time: 0:00
GPUs: 1: 0.000 MH/s (0) 2: 0.000 MH/s (0) 3: 0.000 MH/s (0) 4: 0.000 MH/s (0) 5: 0.000 MH/s (0) 6: 0.000 MH/s (0)
Eth speed: 0.000 MH/s, shares: 0/0/0, time: 0:00
GPUs: 1: 0.000 MH/s (0) 2: 0.000 MH/s (0) 3: 0.000 MH/s (0) 4: 0.000 MH/s (0) 5: 0.000 MH/s (0) 6: 0.000 MH/s (0)
Eth speed: 0.000 MH/s, shares: 0/0/0, time: 0:00
GPUs: 1: 0.000 MH/s (0) 2: 0.000 MH/s (0) 3: 0.000 MH/s (0) 4: 0.000 MH/s (0) 5: 0.000 MH/s (0) 6: 0.000 MH/s (0)
Eth speed: 0.000 MH/s, shares: 0/0/0, time: 0:00
GPUs: 1: 0.000 MH/s (0) 2: 0.000 MH/s (0) 3: 0.000 MH/s (0) 4: 0.000 MH/s (0) 5: 0.000 MH/s (0) 6: 0.000 MH/s (0)
*** 0:00 *** 9/24 19:41 **************************************
Eth: Mining ETC on for 0:00
Eth: Accepted shares 0 (0 stales), rejected shares 0 (0 stales)                                                                                                                                                                                                                           
Eth: Incorrect shares 0 (0.00%), est. stales percentage 0.00%                                                                                                                                                                                                                             
Eth: Average speed (5 min): 0.000 MH/s
Eth speed: 0.000 MH/s, shares: 0/0/0, time: 0:00
GPUs: 1: 0.000 MH/s (0) 2: 0.000 MH/s (0) 3: 0.000 MH/s (0) 4: 0.000 MH/s (0) 5: 0.000 MH/s (0) 6: 0.000 MH/s (0)
Eth speed: 0.000 MH/s, shares: 0/0/0, time: 0:00
GPUs: 1: 0.000 MH/s (0) 2: 0.000 MH/s (0) 3: 0.000 MH/s (0) 4: 0.000 MH/s (0) 5: 0.000 MH/s (0) 6: 0.000 MH/s (0)
Eth: New job #2de5c53f from; diff: 4000MH                                                                                                                                                                                                                      
Eth speed: 0.000 MH/s, shares: 0/0/0, time: 0:00
GPUs: 1: 0.000 MH/s (0) 2: 0.000 MH/s (0) 3: 0.000 MH/s (0) 4: 0.000 MH/s (0) 5: 0.000 MH/s (0) 6: 0.000 MH/s (0)
Eth speed: 0.000 MH/s, shares: 0/0/0, time: 0:01
GPUs: 1: 0.000 MH/s (0) 2: 0.000 MH/s (0) 3: 0.000 MH/s (0) 4: 0.000 MH/s (0) 5: 0.000 MH/s (0) 6: 0.000 MH/s (0)
Eth: New job #12ac154d from; diff: 4000MH

Looks like it’s a problem in miner.
Here are the same results with 1060:

Could you try to flash hive-0.5-57 image from previos versions?

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Could you also try to fix problem with AMD cards? All of them are not detected by PhoenixMiner in HiveOS based on Ubuntu 18.04:


No OpenCL platforms found
No avaiable GPUs for mining. Please check your drivers and/or hardware.

This build is named “Bleeding edge” =)

One of the problems we found with the latest HiveOS can be fixed by removing the LD_PRELOAD environment variable. To do so, please insert the HiveOS USB flash drive with the already setup as a custom miner and started at least once PhoenixMiner 3.5d on a PC and open the following folder in Windows explorer: /hive/custom/phoenixminer/ . There you will find a file named . Open it with Notepad and add the following line unset LD_PRELOAD immediately before above the command that starts PhoenixMiner:



If you are Linux-savvy, you can do this while HiveOS is running fron an SSH session and edit the file directly with the nano text editor.

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Благодарю! Готово. Обнови майнер.

запустился и майнит феникс на
Bleeding Edge

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Bleeding Edge
виснет система
запускает Х и всё, черный экран с черточкой :frowning:

Если риг на AMD, то выключи GUI в настройках рига на веб-морде. Для красных иксы не нужны!

именно в этой версии Bleeding Edge выключить GUI?
полгода не заморачивался, работало все.