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Gigabyte 1080 TI + Asus 1080 + Phill = Hashrate drop after 2 hours


OS : Hiveos
MIner : t-rex v.0.23.2

Gigabyte GTX 1080 Ti - Micron: (Core: 180 , Mem: 1200, Pl: 250)
Asus GTX 1080 - Micron: (Core: 110 , Mem: 1750, Pl: 180)

both cards running with phill , the 1080Ti start @ 47 mh/s after 1 or 2 hour it drops to 30.59 mh/s !

any advice ?



Its Gigabyte GTX 1080 Ti & Asus GTX 1080 .
Both of my OC are incuded .

CLick on the link dude and check for OCs there.

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