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Gminer 2.67 power usage

Hi, I have installed Gminer 2.67 for my 3060 TI LHR card (Hynix memory).
I am able to get around 40 MH/s at 120W power usage.
However when I look at the stats page, the power usage jumps up and down (to 140W) at times, so that tells me that the actual wattage may be more than what Gminer is telling me.
Are other LHR users experiencing the same? With NBMiner it is constant power usage, but it jumps with Gminer.

Hi, I haven’t tried with my 3060 TI, but I was watching Youtube with exactly same issue ( GMiner & lolMiner LHR ETH Unlock?? (Low Power?) Tested with RTX 3060).
I’m suspecting Gminer is just faking actual wattage.
I hope someone will have better results.

Same wattage in my rig. seems inconvenient, I stopped using it.

It is probably fighting the LHR card.

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Gmoner 2.68 still jumping W is it safe for cards to jump with power all the time?

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