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High hash rate some times

My rig having Rx580x4. One of the GPU (1) some time reported high hash rate that 152.9 MH. No changes found in Power, OC and temp. Normal MH is 30.30.
existing OC settings are
core 1150
Vdd 900
Mem 2150
there is any posiblity to continue run with high hash rate?

Check your pool and you should see that the hashrate doesn’t match. It’s likely the card crashed and is just reporting the wrong thing.

Again found one of the GPU Rx570 reported 406MH for few min.
Normaly it gives 24.34MH. No addtional power and heat recorded.
Checked rewards high in this time frame.
What to do for run wtih high MH continuously please ?

Reduce overclocks on the problem card

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