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Hiveos payment for 5+ workers - for free accounts

Greetings fellow miners,

I am new to hiveos and I had for the past 2 weeks a rig in hiveos under a free account containing 4 workers/gpus. I mine etherum on hiveon pool using phoenixminer.

Now I added a new rig with 2 more workers/gpus under the same farm and I see it is still saying Free for the daily price.
I dont get it … for more than 4 workers wasnt I supposed to be billed ?

And this billing is executed automatically ? like hiveos will retain the fees from my mining or I need to pay it manually ?

Best Regards,

Sorry for the delayed reponse!

Think of a worker as a motherboard, not as a GPU. You can have 1 worker (motherboard) with 50 GPUs, and it would be free on HiveOS.

So in this situation, you are still using a free account since you are mining to the ETH Hiveonpool. You can have up to 4 Workers (motherboards) on one account, and at 5 workers (motherboards), it would be $3 per rig.

So congrats, you’re still free! :smiley:

Hi itaZeroday, I´m adding my fifth motherboard but daly cost is still free and the fifth motherboard ETHASH is zero. Do you know why? upgrade from free account to paid account is automatic?

You pay for running time on HiveOS, per 5 minutes. If you just started mining on rig 5, this is likely why it hasn’t shown up yet.

Check out our Billing FAQs and info which go into further details:

:small_orange_diamond:How to pay for HiveOS :
:small_blue_diamond:Pricing Page :
:small_orange_diamond:Billing FAQ : (This is the one that has the information you are looking for)
:small_blue_diamond:Hive OS Billing updates :
:small_orange_diamond:Payment FAQ :

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