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How to know payout?

Hello where can i find my mining payout ? is it possible on Hiveon interface or do i have to wait and see directly in my wallet?

What did you specify in the output, what data?

i got a ledger nano s so i put my income adress

Are you dealing with Hive? I don’t think they can cheat, maybe wait a little longer?

When you create a new flight sheet, you enter:

  • the crypto currency
  • the wallet (is it possible to enter a Ledger Nano wallet?)
  • the pool (do i have to register this pool by web?)
  • and the minor
    When you create, where am i able to see my account?
  • Yes you can add a crypto token wallet address from a Ledger Nano into your Hive Wallets.
  • To use most pools, you just start mining to the pool using the correct Stratum address and port and your miner will start showing up as soon as the first share gets submitted. You would then go to the pool’s website and enter your wallet address to see your worker, the shares that have been submitted, and your estimated payouts, etc. This will vary from pool to pool, so DYOR.
  • The miner you use will depend on the token you’re looking to mine. Again, Research to know what to use.
  • With Hive, to see your workers, you sign in at, and then click on your farm, and then click on one of your workers you added.

I think in the general section, if I understand the question correctly.

I think he meant one of these sections, no?