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Possibility to create a Backup Wallet?

Hi guys,

At the moment I’m Dual Mining ETH+Blake2s. So the Problem in my second coin is, that sometimes the second mining pools are down. Therefore claymore stops completely to mine.

It would be very very nice to integrate a option to select a Backup Wallet, which includes an another Wallet (for Example only ETH)

If the first Wallet don’t get any hashes, then switch to the backup Wallet until the user changes something (like new pools for the first wallet)…

I know you guys invest a lot of time! And you’re doing a very good job! This option would be very nice :slight_smile:

What’s the problem, I don’t understand ??? RTFM for miner!!!
What prevents you from doing this by failover servers?

Hello HaloGenius,

I‘ve got twice in the last week this message around 10 times:

„miner thread hangs, need to restart miner!“

Sry i have not the detailed report now. But the problem was that (maybe you know) all xvg blake2s pools have stopped their pools.

In the messages i can remeber in the last lines was that the hashrate of ETH was 30 mh/s per gpu and the blake2s algorithm 0 mh/s per gpu after this report:
Try to reboot

This has repeat around 10 times and then the rig is going offline (i thing it has habg up)

I have thought that if a pool is not reachable/offline/stopped then the miner is mining only ETH. But that is not happen. And the mining process has canceled completely.