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R9 390 stability issues

Hi all. I have been getting the “GPU driver error no temps” error followed by Phoenix miner restarting. I’ve messed with my oc trying to get it stable. I have 4 R9 390s with a ASrock H81 pro BTC R2.0, 8gb of ram, a small 128gb ssd, i5 4590, and 2 roswell 850w 80+ gold PSUs. My current OC settings are

Core: 1025
Core state: 4
Core voltage: 850mv
Memory control voltage: N/A
Memory clock: 1700
Mem state: N/A
Fan: 100%
Power limit: N/A

Aggressive undervolting is on

I’m not sure what is wrong. Do I need to update/down grade my GPU drivers? If I do what GPU drivers are stable? Any help would be appreciated.

Have these settings worked for you before?

No. I haven’t been able to find any setting that works.

My settigs for r9 390 8GB with factory bios:
Core clock Mhz : 1150
Core Voltage mV: 900
Fan, % : 50
the other values ​​are not set to anything.
This setting is getting for me 27.11MH/s
I hope this help your problem
Please let me know if this works for you with these settings.
Ohh! and hiveos version is : 0.6-190@210314 so not the updated version!

I made a post on the bottom of the thread, maybe it will help you.

Ok. I’ll make the adjustments and I will let you know. Thank you for your reply. I like the features of HiveOS, but this GPU driver error, no temps thing is killing me. I have to constantly restart my miner.

It ended up either a bad riser card or one of the GPUs is bad. I plugged in each GPU individually and found the problem GPU. I’m replacing the riser card this weekend in hopes that is the problem. Thank you for replying and giving me suggestions.

how TF did you get 1150core on 900mv??? No way bro, and those hashrates are not indicative of 1150 core. I’m running 1170 core @ 1275mv Stable, and my Hashrate in Phoenix miner is 33.82mh/s. I think you need to check your core states vs overclocks, you can’t over clock this card in HiveOS, only Hawaii Bios Modder.

Can you send me your modded bios? :slight_smile:
unfortunately i don’t know the hawaii program. It would be a great help if you could send it the modded bios to [email protected]
Thank you!!

HI there, also new HiveOS user here. I’m running 1x GTX 1660 Super and 2x Sapphire R9 390 8GB. Strangely enough, 1 card is doing 28.99 MH/s @ 133W @ 55 C while the other is doing 30.17 @ 189W @ 70 C. Both identical cards, both thermal past replaced and in open air. Can’t understand why one is running cooler than the other and consuming less power. Tried overclocking but it actually makes less MH/s with any values I throw at it on core or mem clocks. Didn’t mess with voltage. I guess these cards are already overclocked from factory? :man_shrugging:
Anyway I’m happy with these “stock” settings on my card but was just wondering why the one performs better in some area and the other better in another.

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