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Rig crash every day at the same time

Hello i am new in this bussines.

I build a rig and i think it is stabel it runs more then 2 day whitout crashes whit reboot.

Only the static shows me crashes. This issue is every day at the same time.

Can you help me please.

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Overview about last 3 days

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Plug a ground cable from your metal chassis to a ground point.

I have a wood case :sweat_smile:

:round_pushpin:Gaps in stats :round_pushpin:

These are merely API hiccups, either caused locally or wide(actual stat server issues), and generally have absolutely no effect on your mining operations. It just means the agent wasn’t able to communicate with the server for these stats at these given times. You can quite easily confirm this by checking pool-side stats and cross-checking the times when these hiccups occur, or, if you have logs enabled, your local logs even.

How can i activate local logs ? and how can i look for problem.


You can quite easily confirm this by checking pool-side stats and cross-checking the times when these hiccups occur

thx i a update my system and works well
and the pool stats are ok

Hey, did you have any luck figuring out the solution to this?

I am encountering this problem myself and am new to the game. I would really love any advice.


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