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RTX 3090 FE low hash rate

When I boot up my rig the 3090 gets 124mh and then 10 seconds later will drop to 100 or less. From what I hear you should be able to keep this card stable at 120mh. I even updated the drives to 460.67.

My OC settings: 60 fan, -280 core, 2100 memory

any suggestions?

I have the same issue with my RTX3090 FE.
Currently running 112 mh.
T-Rex miner.
70% fan
-300 core
1800 mem
300 pl

The problem is thermal throttling.
We need to replace the thermal pad.
Here is the video: 3090 FE Thermal Pad Mod (-20°C !) | Crypto Guide Episode 1 - YouTube

But when we do that, we are loosing warranty. (and RTX3090 is not very cheap)

Yes i have a 3090 running at max 112 MHs due to the thermal trotling. I try to replace the thermal pads but i ordred a 1.5 mm for my 3090 EVGA and 1.5mm is not the correct size you need to get the 2 mm for the evga

I will order 2mm pads and let u know how it goes…

yeah I am not fond of taking apart a gpu. I am starting to thing the 3080 would be the better buy. you get 100mh and lower power and you dont have to take it apart.

If you buy “Gigabyte RTX3080” you will have the same problem with thermal throttling.
Avoid Gigabyte manufacturing.

I used to have the same issue, tried different configuration until I managed to get an average 119 hashrate with ups and downs ( 120.5 - 114), I had applied the following:
fan speed: 70%
core: -150
Memory: 2000
PL: 300

The current temperature is sitting around (60-62)

Give it a try and let me know.

updated I liquid cooled the 3090 and it is getting 121mh

I constantly get 125/126MH on my 3090s… :cold_face:


Watercooling for 3090 FE ?

Stable non throtaling (safe) is about 100MH/s depends where you live ambient temperature
If you want gpu die fast you canpush it above 120

Whaouu…very impressive…even the FE are running at this Hasrate and only at 40° !!
Are they WaterCooled ?
I have also notify that you have Nvidia 460.67. drivers…my HiveOs only have 455 !!! How did you got theses version of drivers…manual install ?


Few more GPUs added on the same rig, I couldn’t be bothered to build a new rig :slight_smile: 13 GPUs now, 12 x 3090 and 1 x 3080, combined 1.6GH.

Outside temperature is currently over 30C, but the AC is doing well, keeping room temperature at 22-23C. Also added few more fans which I had spares. Don’t laugh, looks awful! :slight_smile:


Your memory junction temps have to be over the limit. Memory settings are way too high

Do you change thermal pad ?

Been stable for hours at these settings for 3090 FEs will update report on 10th day. No crash yet.

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