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Rtx 3090 overclocking

Added information…
I am using Hiveon as the pool
and NBMiner as the miner.

Here’s a snapshot of 2 of my 3090’s. Try these settings exactly:

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Whats the hottest your cards should run?. After changing my pads and paste it now runs at 59 cel. But is a lot more efficient

Your issue is power. Even when you limit the cards at 300, they are drawing 270w or less by looking at your photos. The cards are starving, other cards are pulling 295-310w in order to hash high. This is also why you see improvements when doing only 2 cards, there is finally enough power to go around. I would invest in a larger power supply, preferably not a server one, and see where that gets you.

You can also verify this by seeing what the hash rate is if you power limit at 200, it should drop significantly

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