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Vega 56 and Vega 64 guide

amdmemtweak --i 2 --CL 20…
-i ‘gpu number’ or 2,3 for multiple gpus.

Hey man i have the same card with the same memory. Been struggling to keep it stable with straps. Please keep me updated if u manage to get more MHs and stable

Hello all,

thank you all. Im getting really good results out of my vega gpu’s.

Can anyone help me with this invalid shares? The Miner is working for 5h and three invalid shares are not that much, but what can i do to avoid this? reduce mem or core? More VDD?
is there a rule? Dead GPU = more VDD and invalid shares = to high memory clock?
I tried to reduce memory clock but after some time the inv shares are still there…

And every time i change the overclock while the miner is runing one of the gpu’s die and TRM reboot.
What can i do to avoid this?

thanks for advise

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You can try a bit more voltage, but with invalids you usually need to ease off on the memory a bit. Either loosen timings slightly, or lower memory overclock. Going to 1005 and 1015 should work. Try it and see.

Sorry to only reply now, thought I would update incase it helps anyone. It turned out conflicts were a bad riser. Such a headache to troubleshoot, but got there.

Also, found a way to apply straps automatically! Will post below.

Found this forum post Automatic straps guide

Follow the instructions, and the straps will apply, even in the latest version!


  1. under worker options, enable GUI on boot
  2. start hive shell
  3. use the command sudo nano /etc/xdg/openbox/autostart
  4. go to the bottom, and write out your straps
  5. at the end of every strap, put &
  6. make sure there is a blank line under the last strap
  7. save and exit

There you go! I am so happy that I don’t have to keep my rig in maintenance anymore, and it will restart itself if it goes down.

Good luck!


the way i apply straps automatically is the following.

put your straps in /home/user/ by using “nano /home/user/” commant in hiveshell.

thats it. Latest version works like a charm

Is it possible to get more MH/s from my Vega 56 without modfying its BIOS?
Im getting 45MH/s


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I’ve only had bad experiences with gigabyte Gaming oc.

  • high power consumption according to the software.
  • every crash of the graphics card has frozen the computer.
  • more than 930mhz memory clock was impossible

you can try this straps “–CL 20 --RAS 20 --RCDRD 12 --RCDWR 12 --RC 37 --RP 11 --RRDS 3 --RRDL 6 --RTP 5 --FAW 12 --CWL 8 --WTRS 4 --WTRL 9 --WR 14 --REF 65535 --RFC 248”

should give you a little bit more mh

use “B Mode” and reduce core clock to 1020MHZ
try to lower VDD

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Whats B Mode… i’m know to mining world. tnx

use command “–eth_config=B” with Team red miner.

Tuning Tab

I have the same GPU as you (Gigabyte with Samsung memory) and I have not been able to improve this. Every time I apply a strap, the miner restarts. More than the hashrate, I am concerned about consumption, I see that many people can lower it by about 40w. If you find any alternative, please comment. Thanks!

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PD: this is the best performance I have ever been able to achieve. As I commented, I have not been able to apply any strap.

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Hi, whitch strap you put to get those results?

few invalids is not a problem

Banhammer Thank you reposting the Automatic straps guide works perfectly (as of this post date) as the other method has very recently stopped working.

I’m trying to find a stable OC for my vega 56 with Hynix memory but seems impossible… I keep getting invalid shares and reboots every few hours. What am I doing wrong here? I’m not using straps yet.

I have a Hynix ASUS that is my worst Vega, but its stable at 47.7 with no invalids, using vsimovic’s strap here:

and these OCs:

Thanks, I’ll try it. What miner do you use? How do you change the DPM parameter?

TRM for the miner and I dont think DMP actually applies on the Vegas, that copied from a different card’s OCs when I added the Vega. Only way I know to change it or turn it off is:

  1. Find a card that has the DMP option in over clock settings
  2. Edit it to the value you want the Vega at
  3. Switch the Vega to that PCIE slot
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