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Vega 56 and Vega 64 guide

170W sounds like Gigabyte, paste your config

Change RCDRD to 12, if it won’t work try 13

yes, high hash but allso invalids. Will try to raise values slowly again later.

make a post how you made your R9 work on HiveOS, I’m guessing many would be interested :slight_smile: Although, the hashrate seems a bit low. Should be easy 30 MH/s

question, how do VEGA 56 with hynix Mem perform? what kind of hash can be achived?

52.78 MH/s top for me

amdmemtweak --i 4 --cl 20 --ras 23 --rcdrd 20 --rcdwr 11 --rc 36 --rp 13 --rrds 3 --rrdl 5 --rtp 6 --faw 12 --cwl 7 --wtrs 4 --wtrl 9 --wr 13 --rfc 248 --REF 65535 --i 1,2 --CL 19 --RAS 22 --RCDRD 12 --RCDWR 4 --RC 36 --RP 12 --RRDS 3 --RRDL 5 --RTP 4 --FAW 12 --CWL 6 --WTRS 4 --WTRL 9 --WR 13 --rfc 248 --REF 65535 --i 0,3 --CL 20 --RAS 22 --RCDRD 11 --RCDWR 5 --RC 36 --RP 12 --RRDS 3 --RRDL 5 --RTP 4 --FAW 12 --CWL 6 --WTRS 4 --WTRL 9 --WR 13 --rfc 248 --REF 65535


you should get more from the one with Samsung Mem. Look back the thread few posts, there is my settings and straps for samsung

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no time these days for having fun with it, but we will see :slight_smile: I’m still waiting to see how stable are those settings and how many invalids are you getting

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I dropped the Setting a bit just to be on the safe side, i value stability allso more than bit of more hash. Will let u know :+1:

btw. how do you like those units with hynix?

perfect and stable. I have 5 reference cards. Blower style.

Hey looks like the issue is the amdmemtweak you are using is the one for my crappy hynix I posted earlier. Thats why hash rate is low, but easy to fix!

For Samsung’s use this strap, just copy and paste this into the “tweak” section of OCs on both cards and you will see big gains:
amdmemtweak --CL 20 --RC 37 --RP 11 --WR 14 --CWL 8 --FAW 12 --RAS 20 --REF 65535 --RFC 248 --RTP 5 --RRDL 6 --RRDS 3 --WTRL 9 --WTRS 4 --RCDRD 12 --RCDWR 12

Let me know how that one works for you.

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okay, im gonna give hynix a shot, will come back to you about good settings and possible bios mod if thats okay for you :slight_smile:

so this is for samsung,how about hynix staraps? any good ones?

In my experience Hynix cant go over 960 mem without frequent crashes/invalids so are limited to about 52, the straps Vsimovic posted a couple comments ago are the best I’ve seen on a Hynix.

Really Good Hynix can run 12-13 RCDRD
Crappy Hynix (Gigabyte & Asus) need 17-20 RCDRD or will crash/ throw invalids.
This is an MSI Airboost (good) Hynix running that strap except I have to use RCDRD 13 or get invalids :

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Dear vsimovic,
regarting the R9 they did work from the beginning, i just use Phoenixminer. If you use Teamredminer they stop working. And yes i can push them to nearly 31 Mhs but the eat power like hell, and they are getting quite hot, so i decided to stay at ~29

Dear Steroid
thank you for your information. But changing the RCDRD from 20 to 12 didn´t even change anythning at all? How is that possible? I have the same hashrate with both settings

Dear ss-silver,

your setting are not working for me… when i use your strap and paste this into the “tweak” section of OCs i am losing ~1 Mhash… the settings of your crappy hynix work better for me?!?
why is that? Am i doing something wrong?

Increase core to 1100 or 1130, take off that power limit if you have one, and drop mem to 1028. See if that gives you more.

nope did not work