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Vega 64 Ultimate Guide 56-55 Mhash 130W

Stock… And i check the version with techpowerup and is the original


it’s not broken, it’s just that it doesn’t work on that other bios.
if it was working on primary bios switch then no need to place it in non-working.

there’s a rule that goes “don’t fix a thing, if its not broken”

Then I can flash the 56 bios? If… If for some reason… Doesn’t work… A can flash again the original? Or is a risk to do that…

I tried to use the original and have lots of problems and reboots…

Thanks for responde so quickly…

yes, just put the bios switch to where it was working with windows.

Save your original bios.
In case it doesn’t work which i doubt.

follow the instructions above to unbrick it.
Ill be here if you ecounter problems.

Did evething correct…

my card is this:
Sapphire Vega 64 nitro +

download bios from card:

went to techpower and download:
Sapphire Vega 56 nitro+

upload bios… waited… bios upload and reboot…

card turns on… but nothing… not in windows or hiveos says “inactive hdmi”


after reboot and change the pci to the motherboard…
reboot again hiveOS run but stuck on here:

Or… is this Bios that i should upload…
Sapphire Vega 56 nitro+

And not the other above…

This is weird.
On the first attempt… To change the button to the left side… The card didn’t work… I switch sometimes and reboot pc and nothing (windows and hive)

Don’t know how…

But one of the time on doing that windows did not crash and manage to install the bios (vega 64) on the card with the button turn to the left side…

In the “normal” position button to the right side…
The card does not work now…

I don’t know…
But one position Install and the other recover?

Hey man. I just tried some things and learned that non reference vega 64 cards can’t be flashed with their 56 counterparts. They can, but rarelly works.
For example: I was trying to flash gygabite gaming oc vega 56’s bios on a vega 64 gygabite gaming oc. It bricked. And them gygabite’s vegas sucks btw.
Reference card bios works better. Try same brand reference.
In your case i’d try a sapphire reference 56 bios instead of a 56 nitro+ bios. If your card is bricked try to reflash it as i said. If nothing works reflash your backup 64 bios.(You did backup right?). Good luck.

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I manage to reflash to stock bios…
and really after the scare of brick the card… (expensive)
really prefer to stay with stock …

Don’t know if make any diference…

Vega 56 = Vega 10 A1 XL
D05003 32Mx128 852e/800m 0.9V
Socket Power: 220 W
Battery Power: 220 W
Small Power Power: 220 W

Vega 64 = Vega 10 A1 XT
D05001 32Mx128 852e/945m 0.95V
Socket Power: 240 W
Battery Power: 240 W
Small Power Power: 240 W

Maybe creates conflict…?
Just guessing…

have you tried booting from a different pc with the hive-os website?

It usually shows it there or if its a first boot on hiveOS you must run a firstboot command to update amds drivers and hiveos needed tools etc.

I have the same nitro plus card and i flashed it with no problem.
But thing to note, this card only works with the BIOS Switch towards the monitor hdmi plug.

Not towards the gpu 8 pin. But towards the end where you insert an hdmi/dvi cord.

Anyways, don’t be afraid to flash it as the extra 10-15 megahash you can get with cooler temps at 110W.

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This will be the hash you’ll get. I can put it to 56.2 or 56.4 but i get invalids.

Anyways next time if you’re up for it and flash it again, dont forget the bios switch position towards where you hook a monitor cable.

I can’t comment on gigabyte as i don’t have reference gigabyte card, But im pretty sure it can be flashed like all other reference cards. try playing with the bios switch to see what works after flashing.

My Nitro + Vega 64 with stock bios with straps from other users on this momento is between 167/180Mh/s…

(ERGO Coin)

The only difference… The memory temperature (I think)
Have different values…
Sometimes 78° other times 43° +/-
One thing is sure… The card is not hot… Cold… Even the back plate is warm almost cold…

12h working and very stable…

Using this values…

Core Clock, Mhz
Core Voltage, mV
Memory Clock, Mhz
FAN, %

amdmemtweak --CL 18 --RC 36 --RP 13 --WR 13 --CWL 7 --FAW 12 --RAS 22 -REF 65000 
--RFC 249 --RTP 6 --RRDL 4 --RRDS 3 --WTRL 9 --WTRS 4 --RCDRD 23 --RCDWR 12

ok… but the card was working with the bios switch towards the 8 pin gpu… when flash with the 56 bios… not working… then i switch to insert an hdmi/dvi cord, and i flash the stock bios… maybe i did something wrong…

My biggest doubt… What bios to use from the two I put above… Or is other…

Hey Akosi. Can you list all vega 64 models you have please? Brands etecetera…
I 'm planning to buy some vegas and i want them to be surely flashable.

this is the bios that i can use safe mode to flash my vega 64 nitro+ ?


  1. Asus Strix
  2. Saphire (Blower Edition)
  3. Sapphire Nitro +
    These are the cards i have.

Some people get 195-201 on flashed bios,
Tried mine at 196 and 201 but at higher oc settings and strap
RCDRD was 12.
Core Clock 1440
Memory 960
VDD 920
Fan 85-90.

It’s summer here in BC and my temps get to 60-70C.
So my plan is to mine Ergo around August when temperatures arent extreme.

Anyways, if you don’t want to play around your card, guess it’s good to stick to what works for you.

I had the same problem with my Sapphire Nitro + when i flashed it,
Had to search for 2 hours to fix my card as it wasn’t posting.

This was my Bios for my vega 64 Nitro+

There’s 3 listed on the Bios Collection don’t use them.
Don’t use the one’s with 180W and 240W.

The bios in that link uses 220W.