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Version Downgrade

Sometimes after update something is not working for you and you’d like to go back to previous version. Though it can’t be done via web panel but you can do it manually either from SSH shell or “Linux Command Execute” on the web.

Starting from version 0.5-67 you can just run

selfupgrade 0.5-67

Note: this method will not work on the versions lower than 0.5-67

Manual Downgrade

Go to the following address and you’ll see the list of available versions

OK, you found the version you want, let’s say package “hive_0.5-07_all.deb” What you want is to see the version, it is “0.5-07” in this example.

The following command will install selected version version.

apt-get install -y --allow-downgrades hive=0.5-07

NOTE: Version downgrade may lead to some bug as setup scripts are not intended for this. But if you don’t rollback between major versions, like from 0.5 to 0.4. then it will work for 99%.

If the above command relies that there is not such version try to do the following

apt-get update -o Dir::Etc::sourcelist="sources.list.d/hiverepo.list" -o Dir::Etc::sourceparts="-" -o APT::Get::List-Cleanup="0"

If for some reason above method does not work then there is another option to download the package itself and install manually from file.

Something like this

cd /tmp
dpkg -i hive_0.5-07_all.deb

1 Like

Thanks for this. I upgraded to 0.5-29 but claymore 11 wouldn’t work on my setup so a quick downgrade back to 26 solved it.

i have made downgrade to the version 05.30 and the farm don’t start, and don’t reconize the grafic cards, any help?

You may choose previous Claymore version in “Tuning” dialog without need to downgrade.

hi i have sereval trouble, my cards dont work with the 0.35 so i tried to put the 0.34 but each time when i reboot the soft put the 0.35 , i need help , thx , how i ca,n stop the update?thx really

My performance increased with the update. I saw 0 issues

I get this error: tar: This does not look like a tar archive
what am i doing wrong?

there is anyway to do a fresh install from console?

[quote=“josecarreira;4478”]there is anyway to do a fresh install from console?

selfupgrade ?

i want to say " clean install " sorry …

That worked. Thank you. it’s mining. It doesn’t appear to be using my OC settings, but I’ll work on that. I backed it up to the same version you are using.


I want to learn if there is a way for clean instal like burning the image to new SSD.