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Worker not visible on Pool but is mining

Hello guys,

This is my 1st day on HiveOS + Hiveon Pool. I’ve been for a couple of months already on ETHOS + PhoenixMiner on Ethermine.

I’ve easily moved 6 rigs totalling 35 cards on HiveOS but I have a strange issue and hope you can help me.

As you can see in the picture it’s telling me that 5 workers are active and one is inactive. However, when I SSH into the rig (11) I see it mining just fine. That’s confusing.

Can you tell me why this is happening? I’ve waited 2 hours yet the miner still appears inactive.

Thank you,

I have the same problem, T-rex miner, no more information and ethermine appears as miner off.

the 3060Ti stop mining and when entering the miner, a large list of new jobs appears, but no share, and at the same time that I enter the plates are reactivated and start mining again, showing the status normally.

I also have 3 5700Xt running on Teamredminer, and they don’t stop mining.

does anyone know why this is?

I’ve suddenly run into this problem as well. For me, the worker was showing as active for about 6 hours on my dashboard, but not reporting anything to Hiveon. Then both places began to show it as offline.
I’ve rebooted the worker and it’s now 30mins. It’s showing full hashrate on my dashboard but still shows as offline on the pool.
Might force me to switch pool once I reach payout with the rest of the workers :frowning:

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