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1660 Super - OC Settings - Watts - Recommendations

Its not Zotac, its Hynix memory on all your cards. I do 378.5MH @ 836w on 12 x GTX 1660 Super’s

See attached, my Hynix memory cards also consume more wattage

I just picked up a new Asus TUF 1660 Super and mine has Samsung memory. Not sure if this is a new version or what but it seems to do a pretty stable 32-33MH/S. My Settings are as follows:
Algo: Ethash
Miner: Ethminer
Absolute Core: 1100
Mem: 2700
PL: 80

Drivers and miner version?

Thank you

Driver version:
Miner Version:
ethminer-ethash v.

I’ve read it, but I disagree… in practice I do absolut cc and if I change the PL I get a different result, don’t you?

Hi, maybe you can get better on your samsung and micron cards

Thank you MarcioS

I noticed the Samsung can clock quite a bit higher, I will run them for 24 hours and see what happens.

Thank you :slight_smile:

Attached is m setting for the 1660 Super Samsung memory

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One more thing to state , GPU drivers version is 460 the base which came when i installed the hiveos

Hi this is my setting for my Rig 12X1660S

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The ones getting 35mh is impressive. Is that the ones with the Bios flash?

Hello Guys. Can i get better results for my Mixed cards? I wonder if i can change my oc for higher hash rate and less rejected shares? But in OCTOPUS algo for mining CFX better. Thanks for help :slightly_smiling_face:

This is original bios for palit Hynix memory

Hello, something curious, in my country have youtubers questioning the amount of MH reported for MH effective, and that for EXAMPLE a 1660s with MC 2100 doing its 32.30mh this would make LESS valid shares… than a 1660s with MC 1750 (which is natural for her if we look at techpowerup) doing her 31.22mh, look I’m doing the tests, measuring every 24 hours at exact times, it requires a few days, but I’m having better results with less mh, less effort on the memories .
Can anyone opine about it here?

Hello I have a question. I was recently looking at my overclock for my 1660 super and I just tried a higher OC and found more hash power. But i have looked and seen that people are doing different clocks in the opposite direction for memory Does negative memory have benefits only if not using absolute core?

Currently I have absolute core set to 1050 and the memory set to 1900 for around 31.83mh as of now + 80 pl just because. Im sure I can achieve more hash power but I also want to be conservative since I am fairly new to mining. Any tips would be appreciated.

You are ok … Maybe core at 930 is little better for hash… or core at 1100 …

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Core at 930 for cards with Hynix mem and -1003 mem clock
Core at 1100 for cards with samsung mem and 1700-1900 mem clock
Core at 1100 for cards with micron mem and 1800-2000 mem clock
Remove PL settings …


would increasing core from where it is now be bad for the cards lifespan or will it be fine as is? Ill try for 24 hours and then see how goes, I did revert settings i tried overnight since I got rejected shares for some reason.

If your core temp does not high you should not have any problems … Maybe your have more power consumption… u see it…

nice one i adjusted the value and ill allow to test overnight, if its consistent and no crash and no invalid shares this should be a nice lil boost from where i was, thank you

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