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ASUS B250 network connection issue

I tried changing the motherboard to a new one and the issue persists. Only on one of my rigs that has 14 GPUs. Issue happens with T-Rex as well as Phoenix. I don’t know how to access system logs that shows what is happening in hive.

You can use the remote shell to view the rigs terminal and view the logs from there or use the terminal within the rig locally (depending on how you access your rig(s)).

You said this happened on 2 boards, I know I had to upgrade my router to support more clients on my network as my old router was struggling at 16 clients and I was trying to use 30+ clients on that network. Upgrading to a Gbit router solved my overloading issue.

Thanks, I use Pfsense and have 1 gig nics in my router.

Hive support says that it’s the intel nic. Does any usb-rj45 adapter work or do I need a specific one for Linux?

Most gbe adaptors will work. I haven’t had any that didn’t work.

See my solution in my post