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Gminer v2.67 BETA Unlock LHR

I also have 3070 non LHR and for those I also have my RAM at 2600. For these Ti’s it seems once I passed 1900 MH stalled out. Did you not have that issue?

It was the combination Mem Clock and Cclock what really worked stable @ 53.5 mh/s. All other oc’s just worked about 30 minutes and then drop off

Nice, so I may have to revisit and try to lower Cclock first. Thanks, may try this soon. Will wait though and make sure this runs nicely. So far its been like 30 mins at 52.

good friend for ergo impossible eth gives me an error from time to time I have to try a new overlock I create a greeting thanks for all the best of all the power very low I like the light in Spain very expensive

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Ergo is not LHR limited

Lhr cards effect mining ergo, on 3070 you should get 170mhs on 3070lhr max wht you get is 135-138mhs

Ok gracias

Ok… i think i have to appologise… Ergo seem to be effected by LHR… My 3070ti do 180 mh/s but a normal 3070 non lhr pull the same… so uff… that is unfortunate

It is safe when this power jumping ?my 3070lhr jumps 88-120w.

Muy inestable de momento :hot_face::hot_face:

I tried this earlier on my 3 x 3060 LHR1 cards on lolminer and it really did not go well, continues dips in hash rate and also in the 30mhs

I am getting way better performance on miniZ atm.


And this is relatively stable, i have some dips now and then where the rig or a card completely stops mining, but im not sure if that is settings related or possibly mb or risers.

HiveOS Version: 0.6-208@210818
Nvidia Driver Version: 460.39
MiniZ Version: 1.8y4rc1

I tried MiniZ as well, but it gives me around 5% stale share.
How about your side? And appreciate if you can provide me version of MiniZ you are using.

I updated my post with all version.

I live in Portugal where light consumption is even more expensive! :slight_smile:
It seems to have a good consumption benefit. You are going in a good way. :wink:


I don’t know, I’m waiting for an answer from a specialized person and I’m also researching! But there are always two advantages…the first is the power consumption and the second is a lower temperature and lower fan speed, which helps the GPU’s durability and sometimes increases the speed efficiency a little!

Are you using GMiner version 2.68? Is that so far the only complaint I see is the instability of energy consumption! But even so you can use the PL (of course this will lower the MH/s).

mi usb esta loco no me deja instalar controladores nvidia error 128 y no mina ergo solo eth aunque la plantilla de vuelo sea ergo alguna solución la mia es formatear usb empezar de nuevo un saludo gracias por todo

meu usb é louco, ele não me deixa instalar drivers nvidia erro 128 e nenhum meu ergo apenas eth mesmo que o modelo de vôo seja ergo alguma solução minha é formatar usb começar de novo ola obrigado por tudo

my usb is crazy it won’t let me install drivers nvidia error 128 and no mine ergo only eth even though the flight template is ergo some solution mine is to format usb start over hello thanks for everything

I had a similar problem installing drivers from other GPUS! But I decided using the following codes in the kernel
1st “apt update” and 2nd “nvidia-driver-update”

Ok, I’ll try, I’ll tell you about the results, thanks for your help

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@all And by the way, to leave a word of relief to all people who are afraid of large variations in consumption… from my research and from what I have said so far with other people, there is probably no problem with energy variation, because this variation indicates that there is room for further calculations, which does not seem to correspond to the clock drop…(which is normal as the GPUS LHR still only has 70% unlocked)
So I THINK, just my conclusion…it might be a method to trick the LHR and thus bypass the blockade!

If anyone has anything else or other information on this subject… share with us please! Thanks

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