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Different MH / S from two different GeForce RTX 3070 7982 MB

Good evening, I have a little problem … I have two GeForce RTX 3070 7982 MB installed on two different machines. One Gigabyte and one MSI.

Gigabyte mine with NBminer and MSI mine with lolminer.

They give me two different MH / S.

The Gigabyte gives me 45.62 MH / S and the MSI 61.45 MH / S, do you have any idea how to prune, if you can raise the Gigabyte?


How much OC have you done on the Gigabyte Card and what’s the average Temps it’s running? I have three Gigabyte 3090s and two run somewhat similar and the third cuts out with errors if I clock it any higher that 2480 on the Mem. I get error on power % aven though it still runs and hashes away. Also, have you done any Thermal pad replacements on either? Especially the Gigabyte card.

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The OC is Core -800 MEM 2626 PL 136 works at 73 ° C.

Actually raising the fans to 80 from 63% which were in automatic … this is the result … (0.80 MH / S more)

In the meantime, I cool it down more, with external fans, but I have already seen it reposition itself on 45.50 MH / S, maybe it’s a limiter talk, after I do a different test.

For now, the thermal pads are the original ones, in case what would you recommend Thanks

Just out of curiosity is it running the same Hashrate if ran in the same Miner? It seems to be the Miner that’s the issue. If you run them at the same OC settings in the same Miner what do you get on the Hashrate? It seems like the LHR unlocked capabilities from that specific Miner. My 3 gigabyte cards run at 3 different rates on the same Miner. It’s just the silicone lottery as they say… Screenshot_20211111-102322_Hive OS~2

Off the top of my head those numbers look like the diff between an LHR and an FHR 3070. Also the slower one’s graph looks like it might be hitting a limiter (too small to see for sure.)

You sure LHR isn’t what’s happening here?

They’re all 3090s. No LHR. if I adjust them to the same mem and power settings the lower one crashes the Fan to an Error.

Sorry, my reply was meant @ op

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I am using NBminer, what do you use?

No, honestly I’m not sure, but today I was wrong to do a downgrade that I wanted to do on a different machine and the 3070 read it as GA104 [GeForce RTX 3070 LHR]

Now for another mine at 45 MH / S, I’m very happy … :slight_smile:

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