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OC settings for AMD RX580

A switch is blow 8pin port. I cant speak english very good sorry

Hi all looking for advice on OC the below cards. Everything I’ve tried causes the system to go unstable.

hi,I have same problem.could you share your rom for rx580 elpida memory?

How do I do that buddy?

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this is my mail: [email protected]
and telegram ID: @milad_ne
tnx bro

Прошивка bios AMD - #2232 by BiosEditor more help

maybe this will help someone :slight_smile:


Hi Do you get any solution. Do you have the stock bios, iam need it for mod.


I have 1 PowerColor SK Hynix H5GQ8H24MJR · 113-C9403100_101

And when I change bios with Polaris, whatever settings I use, the invalid shares start and in the pool the GPU reported as 0 mhs.

The temp looks good.

What can be the issue?

Hi, does anyone knows how can I improve the hashrate of the 580 GPUs? The last one is an MSI Armor OC Edition. Thanks.

Hi, those percentages are Fan settings on your GPUs… 100% - red, 60% - blue…

for my 580 MSI micron memory

After flashing the vbios, I found this OC stable with teamredminer. Anyone please let me know if you have a better OC with similar power usage. I have started getting invalid shares when I had made change to this OC.

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Hi, I just did the same OC and got the 32.x mhs, using teamreadminer. I will test it, to see if it will be stable. Thank you :slight_smile:

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Hello i need bios mod for this RX580 ASUS DUAL EPLIDA please anyone can send me bios modded for this thanks …
Actual hash is 25 normal i need 30 32 thanks…

I have 2 RX 580 on my rig:

  1. MSI RX 580 ARMOR OC 8G
  2. ASUS STRIX RX 580 O8G

I could get about 33.5 mh on first one but couldn’t get more than 30.05 for the ASUS Card (SK HYNIX).
these are my tunings,

anyone can suggest me to have better efficiency for ASUS card?
even for MSI?

Best Regards :heart:

Can you send me this bios, maybe I can leave high hash and legal consumption, with some changes.

Can send anyone to me bios oc for rx580 gigabyte hynix memory please?