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TONCOIN Thread - What is it, how to mine, how to OC, how to exchange

What is now profitability for ton ?


Hi, I’ve prepared something… :wink:

Comparison of profitability

An RTX 3060 Ti averages between 2.0 GH / s and 2.2 GH / s. Let’s take our two pools, Whalestonpool and Toncoinpool:

Here we see the current values of profitability per gigahash. At a rate of $ 3.59 per TONCOIN, the corresponding sums per day (before electricity) result.
But be careful: the values change almost every minute!

My avg for rtx3060ti 2.2g, a 20% better profitability than eth :slight_smile:

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Thanks a lot for your explanation. Can you please share these screens in english. Im very lost trying to cash some TONCOIN.


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Thank you for the detailed description. :heart:

I’ve changed my test rig now … I’ll see how it starts in 24 hours.

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Hey @stjorge

Now I’m at home and have something for you :slight_smile:

  1. In Telegram you say the bot /withdraw
  2. Then you reply with 0 (zero)
  3. Send your answer
  4. Wait till you get the reply
  5. In less than a minute the amount of TONCOIN should be in your wallet
  6. Next you change to the website of OKEx and in the upper right corner you click on Assets
  7. Than click the first point Assets
  8. On the following site you wanna choose Deposit and then choose TONCOIN
  9. The right network is TONCOIN-TONCOIN
  10. Click the blue button Continue
  11. Next you will be shown the address of your TONCOIN wallet at OKEx, copy it and fill in at 13.
  12. That number is very important, copy it and fill in 14.
  13. This is the address field in your personal TON wallet, which appears when you click 5.
  14. This is the comment field in your personal TON wallet
  15. Send your TONCOINS to OKEx… this could take a little amount of time :wink: (30-45 min.)
  16. Party on and spend your money (maybe some for me?!) :rofl:

Hope, I could help you out!
Have a nice mining! :+1:


Hi, yes, certainly… :wink: in Germany we would say “My english is not the yellow from the egg!”

I made a detailed plan in english for sending TONCOINs from the Whalestonpool to your personal TON wallet and then to your OKEx-Account. Just look here!

Have fun!

WOW :crazy_face: Dude :bangbang: 6x 3090s
That’s what I call a rig! Happy mining, bro! :+1: :slight_smile:

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Hi, I am using lolminer and miner keeps restarting. I don’t see a problem with the pool statistics. but why is the miner behaving like this? There is no problem with my oc settings, I don’t like to force my cards anyway.

Hi, please post a screenshot of your miningscreen with the errormessage and of your HiveOS screen with the rig data. I can’t help you without knowing the exact error… :man_shrugging:

Nice thread, i’am getting 1.4ghz on my 3060. Is that a normal hashrate for non ti model? Cheers

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Hi @kobatz , nice to know that your 3060 does 1.4 GH/s… but I don’t know if it’s normal?! Maybe some other users could tell?

Greetings :wave:

Thank you so much!!!
Very much apreciated

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Hi, it’s not, i didn’t know that this algo need’s gpu power and not ram so i used eth oc profile.
When i used same as yours, i’am getting 1.7+ which is normal i think for this cards.

Thank you

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Seems to be good. You might try to power up in 5-Watts-Steps until the cards crash, then go back and you have the sweet spot.


Ton Whales I think had a server issue for a little bit should be fine now. My Nvidia cards when down for a bit but are back up

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I have changed the Server… The Support had said it could help… And thez replied direct…


What miner using ?
Lolminer after couple h for some reason died.
Will try again. 220, 2000,130pd 2200gh avg.

Would anybody happen to know where I could exchange TON as a miner based in the U.S?

Hi @gunzen , I just want to say HUGE THANK YOU for making this thread and huge contributions, before asking anything.

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